Over eight hundred men and women, linked to the Prospect area, served during the First World War. PLHG volunteer, Neil Rossiter, has been researching the service records and the lives of these service personnel.
Did any WW1 service person live in your house?
Find out by clicking on the interactive map below.
Once you know the name of the person who served you can click on Alphabetical Index to find out information about that person.
Many households had more than one person serve.
The information presented on this website is intended as a snapshot of each person, perhaps to be used as a catalyst for your further investigation.
This mapped data has no warranty as to its spatial accuracy, completeness, or currency.
Did any WW1 service person live in your house?
Find out by clicking on the interactive map below.
Once you know the name of the person who served you can click on Alphabetical Index to find out information about that person.
Many households had more than one person serve.
The information presented on this website is intended as a snapshot of each person, perhaps to be used as a catalyst for your further investigation.
This mapped data has no warranty as to its spatial accuracy, completeness, or currency.
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